Chinese Library

All Consumer Action publications are available online, with most also available as a PDF download. Government agencies, nonprofits and other community-based organizations who wish to distribute our publications for educational purposes can use the PDF file to instantly produce a professional-looking brochure using an office printer.

Library of Chinese Publications, Sorted by Date

Headlines & Press Releases


Thursday, September 05, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消費者行動 華埠談電子產品維修權


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动推介最新提案


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chinese Press Release | CFPB 提議使用多元語言協助屋主貸款避免成為法拍屋


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动提供电子产品咨询服务


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Chinese Headlines | 消费者行动参与奥克兰农历新年街会

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Cell Phone Savvy (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Cell Phone Savvy (Chinese) How to avoid problems with your wireless device and service.


This publication provides information on how to avoid problems with your wireless device and service.

Category: on Oct 11, 2012

Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Improve Your Credit -  Put Bad Credit Behind You (Chinese) .


An easy-to-read brochure that explains why having good credit is important, your rights if your credit application is rejected, how to check your credit report, how to dispute mistakes on your credit report and how to begin to rebuild good credit.

Category: Credit Credit Fraud Credit Reports/Scores Credit Scores Fraud/Scams on Aug 28, 2012

Prepaid Cards (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Prepaid Cards (Chinese) An alternative to credit and debit cards.


Learn how reloadable prepaid cards are different from other forms of “plastic,” how to select the best prepaid card for your needs, how to reduce card costs and how to manage your card account wisely.

Category: Banking Money Management Prepaid Cards on Jul 30, 2012

Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint (Chinese) .


Fair housing laws protect renters and buyers from discrimination. If you believe you were a victim of housing discrimination, you have the right to file a housing discrimination complaint with HUD. Understanding the complaint and resolution process will help you weigh your options and take action.

Category: Housing Discrimination Home Financing Housing Insurance Mortgages Tenant Rights on Feb 07, 2012

Know the Signs of Housing Discrimination (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Know the Signs of Housing Discrimination (Chinese) .


The denial of housing opportunities because of race, color, religion, sex, nationality, familial status or disability is housing discrimination, and it’s illegal. You can recognize if you are a victim of housing discrimination—and protect your rights—if you know what actions by landlords, sellers, lenders and others are against the law.

Category: Housing Buying a Home Discrimination Mortgages Tenant Rights on Feb 07, 2012

Roaming the World with Your Phone (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Roaming the World with Your Phone (Chinese) .


Being connected can make an international vacation more enjoyable, and an overseas business trip more productive. Planning ahead will enable travelers to save money on calls and messaging as well as keep their international data charges predictable.

Category: Telecom Wireless on Jan 27, 2012

Television Service (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Television Service (Chinese) Learn how to get results.

多數美國家庭是以電視做為他們在安全、緊急資訊,娛樂以及教育方面的主要訊息資源。如今的電視有數百個播映頻道可以選擇,而且許多商家可利用它來做生意促銷, 電視的功能已不再像以前那樣單純。本文將詳述消費者的電視服務選擇以及如何為你和家人做出正確選擇。

Television is a key source of safety and emergency information, entertainment, and education for U.S. households. With hundreds of channels to choose from and many service providers vying for business, TV is not as simple as it once was. This fact sheet will explain your options and help you make the right choices for you and your family.

Category: Telecom on Nov 30, 2011

Telemarketing Calls (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Telemarketing Calls (Chinese) Learn how to get results.


Telemarketing calls can be a nuisance, particularly when they interrupt your sleep, dinner, or time with family or friends. This fact sheet explains the rules that legislators and consumer protection agencies have created to make telemarketing calls less annoying and help reduce the number of unwanted sales calls you receive. It also provides tips for protecting yourself from fraud and for filing a complaint, if necessary.

Category: Fraud/Scams Telecom on Nov 30, 2011

Wireless Phone Service (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Wireless Phone Service (Chinese) Learn how to get results.


Whether you see your cell phone as a convenience or a necessity, you want service that will meet your needs at the best price. This fact sheet explains your options for wireless service. It also provides tips for managing your wireless costs, protecting yourself against fraud and theft, and handling billing or service issues.

Category: Telecom Wireless on Nov 30, 2011

Internet Service (Chinese)

Library: Chinese | Internet Service (Chinese) Learn how to get results.

互聯網已經徹底改變了大家在工作、社交以及購物等方面的傳統生活方式,我們現在足不出戶就可以 辦妥諸事。但這並不是說使用互聯網就萬無一失或全部免費。本文詳述各種可供你選用的互聯網和電 郵服務。同時也解說使用互聯網時的相對風險,並包括你應如何保護個人、家庭、隱私權以及電腦資 料等要訣。

The Internet has changed the way we work, socialize and shop—we can now do all those things without ever leaving home. But that doesn’t mean the Internet is always safe, or that it’s always free. This fact sheet explains your options for Internet and email service. It also explains some risks of using the Internet and provides tips for protecting yourself, your family, and your personal information and computer data.

Category: Internet Privacy Rights on Nov 29, 2011


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